This is nothing but a deadly nexus all set to squeeze the throat of Hindu India. This bitter truth might turn out to be a nightmare to a large section of peaceable Hindus but your genetic disposition to peace can’t change the lot. And we are talking of unrestrained foreign grants, donations to Islamist institutions as well as organizations from overseas or uncanny destinations. While people in the city of Kolkata have become acquainted with a word KGN (Khwaja Garib Nawaz) found everywhere whether in auto-rickshaw or private bus, Rahbar Foundation is its counterpart in the city of Hyderabad. Its headquarter is at Texas, in USA and as per the Guidestar USA website, Rahbar Foundation is USA based 501 (C) (3) approved non-profit charitable organization & established to serve humanity regardless of any differences. Though the Foundation is learnt to cater to all, it comprises Islamists in particular and thanks to its finances and vast network, the organizations has partnered with a few global corporate groups as well. And close studies do identify clear signs of violation of the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act.
Any such controversial foundation can be in your city or neighborhood too. So, you must be cautious and go through the thought-provoking report of “Nijam Today”.
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