How many of us are aware of the Indian offensives to the Caliphate in the 7 th century AD? Almost none since these startling records and feats have never been discussed in the Indian curriculum and thanks to Indian education system hijacked by Marxists and Islamist, we have been considering that any offense is a blasphemy or goes against the basic tenets of Hindu Dharma. However, the latest publication of a book (avant-garde in each respect) named “Bharat’s Military Conquests in Foreign Lands” by Sri Venkatesh Ranjan has brought a new lease of life in the moribund intellect of Hindus. Through meticulous explanations, it has been depicted how the ancient Hindu imperial forces seized the Rashidun Caliphate or the First Caliphate of Islamic history almost. The severe conflicts and conquests that turned the Islamic Caliphate and Hindu empires of India as fierce contenders over the fate of Al-FAW Peninsula in Iraq or Ard-I_Hind (Land of India) is still enough to inspire and embolden Indians. Then, a series of brutal offensives to dismantle the Islamic suzerainty was led by the great warrior and empire Chalukya Pulakeshin II. The same battle was waged again and after 200 years but at this time the counter-offensive against Islamic onslaughts was led by the terrible Gurjara-Pratihara dynasty, known for the militarism in the environs and the Emperor Pratihara Nagbhatta II with his capital at Kanyaukubja or Kannauj was known for his fierce onslaughts widely.
Go through every detail of “Venkatesh Rangan” and “Bharat Voice” and let a true Indian be proud of glorious, martial ancestors….
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