Is the Modi government knuckling under popular outcry more and more? This issue is getting more and more importance with each day it passes. Whether it’s the farmer movement or Haldwani, legal activism is extreme but none is found to respond to Sammed Shikharji crisis in the Indian state of Jharkhand. And the main reason behind this is Jains have not come to the streets with valiance or weapons yet to perturb the social fabric. Do we care to know that only on last January 03, 2023 Jain Muni Sugyesagar Maharaj lost his life in Jaipur, Rajasthan for fast unto death while protesting against the Jharkhand government’s decision to turn Sammed Shikharji into a tourist destination of international repute and thus defiling the sanctity of this Jain holy shrine? No, we don’t since Hindus don’t get conscious till the destruction takes place. Unless Hindus come out of this age-old defeatism, it’s almost impossible to move forward.
Know more on this from the report of “Jamboo Talks”.
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