Is the Modi government knuckling under popular outcry more and more? This issue is getting more and more importance with each day it passes. Whether i
Read MoreThis is certainly a welcome gesture by any public servant and must be applauded. We are talking of the Collector & District Magistrate VP Gautam w
Read MoreFinally, the cat is out of the bag and the Islamist aspiration in the Indian state of Kerala is revealed to all. While on one hand the ruling Communi
Read MoreDefinitely, Hinduism is inspired by Hollywood and it’s no limited to Hollywood only; even Europe is also fascinated by the ancient Hindu erudition and
Read MoreWell, you can crack a joke on any Hindu divinity be it Krishna, Rama or Shiva, Durga or anyone else but if it’s on any identity from Abrahamic religio
Read More– শ্রী সৌগত বসু ২০১৯এর ৯ই নভেম্বর এ দেশের অতি গর্বের বিচার ব্যবস্থার ইতিহাসের এক অন্যতম উল্লেখযোগ্য দিন। সেদিনই ভারতের সর্বোচ্চ আদালতে সুষ্ঠু সর্বজনগ
Read MoreIt’s only the time, governed by destiny and diligence, those changes always. And Dr. Darshan Singh Dhaliwal happens to be its greatest specimen for th
Read MoreFinally, the Christian Missionaries are coming out of their dens with sharp claws designed to tear off the social fabric of India. A chilling account
Read MoreIt must be stated that the 75 th year of Indian Independence and Central Government’s endeavor to mark it as ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav” has achieved ne
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