Neither this is the first one nor this will be the last one as well since it has become a custom for even corporate media these days to defame and dismantle any custom related to Hinduism, brushing aside how pious they are. However, the same stances get invisible when it is related to the Abrahamic faiths, namely Christianity and Islam. Even in Diwali, advertisements admonishing Hindus for bursting firecrackers are getting more and more common. They’re cautioned that this dangerous trend of cracking firecrackers not only creates sound pollution but increases the level of air pollution also! However, on Christmas or New Year’s Eve when the same is found in Christian neighborhoods all do prefer to retain a weir silence. Similarly, every year before the Durga or Kali puja sermons to Hindus of stopping ‘bali’ or sacrificing goats terming it as inhuman do appear as usual. And surely, none of these are found ever when Muslims are found to sacrifice millions of cattle and goats and even cows in broad daylight to mark their festivals. Latest to add to this is the obnoxious ad of Bharat Matrimony, well-known matrimony website that dares to equate Holi to sexual harassment of women! And instead, Holi has been instructed to be played on International Women’s Day to celebrate women’s independence! Have you ever seen any country where the majority community is harassed so brutally?
Know more through the excellent article of ‘Bharat Voice’,

শ্রী অনিমিত্র চক্রবর্তী হলেন একজন সাংবাদিক ও বিভাগীয় লেখক (columnist) এবং বেঙ্গল ভলান্টিয়ার্সের এক সক্রিয় কর্মী।
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