Perhaps for the first time in Indian celluloid industry an antidote to Bollywood rants, led by pseudo-secular principles, is being perceived and that too from the southern part of the country or South India. For decades, Hindi movies have been known to have suave, cooperative Christian uncles while Muslim neighbors are ready to help at any cost under the sun but the problem remains in the Hindu families only. They do happen to be the root of despondency along with poverty and narrow mindset. Till the South Indian movie industry rose with its rich content ingrained in conventional Hindu beliefs, none could ever imagine that Bollywood can have a jolt. And it’s happening in a bigger manner..know it from the discussion on “Politically Perfect”, enough to make you realize the cruel reality.
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শ্রী অনিমিত্র চক্রবর্তী হলেন একজন সাংবাদিক ও বিভাগীয় লেখক (columnist) এবং বেঙ্গল ভলান্টিয়ার্সের এক সক্রিয় কর্মী।
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