This dreadful report might be an eye-opener to many, especially those who do remain fascinated with the fanciful stories of Brahmanical Hinduism’s oppression. What has taken place at Bhomiyaji ki Ghati in Soorsagar, Jodhpur district in Rajasthan is a brutal persecution on a hapless Hindu dalit leading to his death but by three individuals named Shakeel, Nasir and Bablu. The 46-year old tribal man or Kishanlal Bheel was attacked when he went to draw water from a nearby tube well. The three accused have been arrested and booked under the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe (Prevention of Atrocities) Act and Section 302 (murder) of the Indian Penal Code. But this is not anything new. Contrary to expectations and tittle-tattles of caste confrontations between Hindus, Dalit persecution is rising steadily thanks to the foray of Islamists altogether. To know more, focus on the chilling report of ‘OpIndia’.
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