There is an extreme need of diligence coupled with honest intention, wisdom and foresight to preserve the national heritage. Well, there is also the need of a strong, fervent political will. And certainly the entire is not easy but it must be done to retain the legacy. Unfortunately, each of this aspect is stunningly missing in Odisha Government’s, headed by Sri Naveen Patnaik, gestures. Despite six years have passed already after the bicentennial completion of virulent anti-British Paika revolt of 1817 that rocked the neighborhood and paved the way for fierce struggle for national liberation, the memorial project is yet to commence even. What’s more, the foundation stone was laid by erstwhile Honorable President of India Sri Ram Nath Kovind in 2019 and crores of funds have already been issued by several famed institutions. Question remains whether the Odisha Government is yet to be acquainted with the desperate struggle of Paikas led by Bakshi Jagabandhu Vidyadhar or considers the entire episode as trivial.
Know more through the report of “The Independence”,

শ্রী অনিমিত্র চক্রবর্তী হলেন একজন সাংবাদিক ও বিভাগীয় লেখক (columnist) এবং বেঙ্গল ভলান্টিয়ার্সের এক সক্রিয় কর্মী।
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