To be precise, this is no more the secular India of the last decade but a new one galvanizing humanity with its profound reverence to the Ancient Bharat. Or else the recent controversy on Sengol wouldn’t have taken place. What’s the deal then? Why has a single reference to Sengol has irked Lefts and seculars? Well, in a nutshell, Sengol does represent the encyclopedism of Ancient India when in each respect, it did prevail the entire globe and the fawners of colonial legacy do remain die-hard opponents to this. Though presented to the Nehru manifesting transfer of power of from the British Raj to independent India originally, Sengol or Danda is related to the Hindu statecraft from time immemorial. Its earliest references are available still in Manusmriti, Mahabharata, no to speak of incredible feats of Kautilya. And in this respect “Arthashastra” of Chanakya does deserve special mentions.
Manusmriti 7.15-20 describes origin of Danda. Manusmriti 7.15 says that Parmatma initially created Danda as his son. Afterwards it says Danda as a penalty to be used virtuously and without any ulterior motives with total knowledge of rules and regulations in order to protect them(Manusmriti chapter 7.15-20). Sengol or Danda is the highest embodiment of righteousness and sovereignty.
To know more please, go through the report of “AnshulSpiritual”,
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