This is neither a mere description of any murder trial or something that is indeed horrible and must be brought to the public domain for justice. It’s something beyond that remains quasi- improbable to any sane individual. Aftab Ameen Poonawala and Shraddha Walkar had been in a live-in relationship for years and till Shraddha’s recurrent pleas to marry her all were hoped to be fine. But being exasperated at these frequent requests to render a legal dignity to the relationship, Aftab murdered Shraddha, chopped off her corpse into 35 parts, kept those in the domestic refrigerator for months and disposed to at least 18 places in and around the national capital, Delhi. Without doubt, what drives this spine-chilling incident is the presence of an extremely controlled, brutal brain coupled with a genetic detestation to anything un-Islamic. Go through the Twitter link of “The New Indian” to know the ghastly unknown.
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