Without doubt, technological revolution and the age of internet has played major role, historic also to the large extent. Never before, Hindus were so serious like today and their need to form a strong cohesion was never felt so badly. And two consecutive movies of “Kashmir Files, “The Kerala Story” have both strengthened the will and extended their aspirations to a great extent. This can easily be ascertained from the strong will in new generation Hindu youth to present anything related to Dharma and with finesse. Or else the meticulously analytical report of more and more anti-Hindu sinister designs and the gangs or perpetrators wouldn’t have come out.
Know more through the video of “Drishtikone”,
Log-in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WaxMhoWN3k

শ্রী অনিমিত্র চক্রবর্তী হলেন একজন সাংবাদিক ও বিভাগীয় লেখক (columnist) এবং বেঙ্গল ভলান্টিয়ার্সের এক সক্রিয় কর্মী।
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