Anything that is anti-Brahmin is not only accepted nowadays but is considered as a standard also. So, if you are a humane, you can’t speak of your Brahminhood in public or else you would be termed as a racial, hater, Nazi and what not. This brutal rhetoric has been dominating the Indian social panorama for a number of decades and to get rid of any such, hundreds of people are found to give in. They are never witnessed to be a proud Hindu. After all who can fight a verbal spat with unruly Lefts? Ms. Rupa Murthy, well-known social media activist encountered all such allegations in the social media the moment he displayed picture of Upanayana of his son. But she has refused to yield and has exposed all the haters. Unfortunately, both the media and academia in India do still remain the strongest bastion of Lefts and no approach to put this hegemony to an end is being found.
Know more on this strange social behavior through the endeavor of “Politically Perfect”,

শ্রী অনিমিত্র চক্রবর্তী হলেন একজন সাংবাদিক ও বিভাগীয় লেখক (columnist) এবং বেঙ্গল ভলান্টিয়ার্সের এক সক্রিয় কর্মী।
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