Whenever Hindus do rise to the occasion and retaliate finally against injustices inflicted on them, it’s termed as minority persecution by detractors,
Read MoreIt’s nothing but an act of audacity that is extending by leaps and bounds across the nation. And the situation is such that Varanasi, capital town of
Read MoreThe sole credit to Renaissance amid Europe in the 15th century goes to the ancient Hindu thoughts or the triumph of Renaissance is within the Hindu st
Read MoreThe recent verbal spat on the Uniform Civil Code has touched the Pasmanda Muslims in the length and breadth of India and this has been learnt from the
Read MoreAssam is again in national headlines and for wrong reasons only; two Hindu girls have been gang-raped by a gang of 5-6 Islamist youths. While both of
Read MoreCommunists have been traditionally against the Hindus; ample examples are there to prove. When on earth they enter or assume the governmental power in
Read MoreOnly 12 questions have been raised in this report that might disenable Mr. Obama, the ex-President of the United States of America even. And reasons
Read MoreThe sole intention is to takeover management of globally acclaimed Chidambaram Temple from the Dikshitars by the Tamil Nadu Government headed by DMK.
Read MoreDespite a year has passed, the gruesome murder of Kanhaiya Lal haunts the neighborhood at Maldas Street, Udaipur in Rajasthan. Two Islamists, Mohamme
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